Institutional Setup of Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram
The Kerala Municipalities Act, 1994, enacted subsequent to the 74th Constitutional Amendment empowers the Municipal Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram (TMC) to act as the local government of the city. The city of 141.74 sq km is divided in to 86 wards, each wards being represented by an elected Councilor. The Corporation Council is the ultimate decision making body of the local government. As envisaged in the 74th Constitution Amendment Act and the Kerala Municipalities Act, 1994. Government of Kerala has transferred the management of a number of government institutions to Thiruvananthapuram Corporation.
A. Deliberative / Executive Wing
The Mayor (elected from among the councilors) chairs the Council meetings, and is responsible for the overall, supervision and control of the administrative functions of the Municipal Corporation. The Council is composed of all elected councilors. The administration of the TMC vests in the Council. The term of office of the council is five years. The TMC through the Council has all the powers, authority and responsibilities of the Government, to enable it to function as an institution of self government in respect of the matters entrusted to it. The Council, constitute Standing Committees for exercising its powers, discharging such duties or performing such functions, as is provided for in the Kerala Municipalities Act. The Deputy Mayor is the Chairman of the Finance Standing Committee and also presides over the Council meetings during the absence of the Mayor. The Secretary of the TMC is an officer appointed by the Government.
Standing Committees
Seven Standing Committees are constituted.
- Finance: To prepare the Annual Budget and to supervise the utilization of budget grants and oversee the timely assessment and collection of taxes, fees, rents, etc.
- Development: To deal with dairy development cooperation, small-scale industries, institutional finance, etc and to prepare development plans.
- Welfare: To deal with matters of Welfare of women and children, development
of SC/ST, Social Welfare etc. - Health & Education: To deal with matters of public health, education etc.
- Works: To deal with matters of public works, housing etc.
- Town Planning & Heritage: To bring about Preparation of Master Plans and to deal with matters regarding to town planning, heritage etc.
- Appeal Relating to Tax: To dispose of appeals on taxation, etc.
Steering Committee: As laid down in the Kerala Municipalites Act, TMC has a Steering
Committee consisting of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chairmen of the Standing Committees. The Mayor shall chair the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee coordinates and monitors the functions of all the Standing Committees and has the powers as delegated by the Council.
B. Administrative Wing
The Secretary is the administrative head of the TMC and implements the Council decisions based on the resolutions adopted by the council. He reports compliance to the Council and exercise powers and discharge duties conferred under the Kerala Municipalities Act. The Secretary implements all the decisions/ directions of the Mayor,
ensures safe custody of the Municipal Fund and attends to all litigation for or against the TMC.
The following Seven Departments manage the functions of the Municipal Corporation
a) General Administration Department
The General Administration Department (GAD) manages staff postings and transfers, defines staff duties and responsibilities, prepare administration reports and ensures proper communication between the departments and the Corporation Council. The PA to Secretary heads the GAD.
b) Accounts Department
The Accounts Department (AD), a Key department of the TMC, manages TMC finances and monitors the use of allocated funds for different schemes. It plays a major role in the formulation of the budget. The Accounts Officer is responsible for supervising all the financial transactions related to the TMC, advising the Secretary on all internal financial matters, maintaining records of financial receipts and expenditure, internal audit of all bills for payment, audit clearances, preparation of annual financial statements and the Demand Collection and Balance Statement (DBC).
c) Engineering Department
A Superintending Engineer designated as Corporation Engineer heads Engineering Department and is assisted by two Assistant Executive Engineers and Four Assistant Engineers. The major duties and responsibilities of the Engineering Department include construction and maintenance of roads, drain and other public works. An Executive Engineer designated as Project Engineer is in-charge of the major projects of the Municipal Corporation. The Executive Engineer is supported by an Assistant Executive Engineer and an Assistant Engineer in overseeing construction of major projects like shopping complexes, bus terminals, etc.
d) Revenue Department
The Revenue Department (RD) is another key department of the Municipal Corporation, Consisting of a Revenue Officer (RO), nine Revenue Inspectors and 43 Bill Collectors. The Revenue Officer is responsible for collecting taxes such as, property tax, advertisement tax and entertainment tax; issuing notices for recovery of tax; and monitoring revenue collections of the Municipal Corporation.
e) Health Department
A Corporation Health Officer (CHO) heads the Municipal Corporation’s Health Department (HD). The Health Department is responsible for conservancy service, sanitation facilities, solid waste management and other public health duties. The CHO is assisted by an Assistant Health Officer, 19 Health Inspectors and 45 Junior Health Inspectors (JHI).
f) Town Planning Department
A Town Planning Officer (TPO) heads the TMC’s Town Planning Department (TPD). The TPD is primarily responsible for enforcing Master Plan regulations, awarding building permission and facilitating land acquisitions for major schemes. Two Assistant TPOs and eight Building Inspectors carry out the department’s functions.
g) Council Department
A council Secretary/PA to Secretary heads the Council Department (CD), which manages records relating to Council meetings and records all resolutions undertaken by the Council.
C. Transferred Institutions
Health Institutions (except Medical Colleges, General Hospitals and other Specialized Hospitals) are under the direct control of TMC Staff salaries, recruitment and transfers are managed by Government of Kerala. General Education (comprising High Schools, Higher Secondary and Vocational Higher Secondary, Primary and Upper Primary Schools) is also under TMC’s direct control. A similar division of responsibility is observed for other transferred institutions like social welfare, agriculture, animal husbandry, dairy, fisheries and SC/ST.
D. Zonal Operations
Six Zonal Offices for the Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation were created, to manage decentralized function of TMC. The zonal offices are in Fort, Kadakampally, Nemom, Ulloor, Attipra, Thirumala and are mainly responsible for tax assessment and collection, licensing of trades, issue of building permits, sanitation etc